February 28, 2019

Dr. Bee and Dr. Xong will use personal accounts to explore the multiple, complex themes to the book, The Latehomecomer. Dr. Bee will speak about his experience with the war, refugee camps, and acculturation in the United States. Dr. Xong will explore oral cultures in the absence of writing and how Yang has transformed these memoirs in her book. There will also be time for small group discussions facilitated by staff from Cia Siab, Inc.


Ho-Chunk Nation Three Rivers House
724 Main Street
La Crosse, Wisconsin 54601


6-8 pm


Funded in part by a grant from the Wisconsin Humanities Council, with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Wisconsin Humanities Council supports and creates programs that use history, culture, and discussion to strengthen community life for everyone in Wisconsin. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this project do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.